
Legends & Lattes Deluxe Hardcover

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Travis Baldree's New York Times Bestselling fantasy hit gets the Wraithmarked treatment!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

One week left, and closing in on 200k!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 08:28:55 AM

7 days to go!

With the campaign ending Wednesday morning, we're in the last 7 days, which means only 1 week left to try and get to that final Stretch Goal!

We really hugely appreciate everyone's support so far, and especially your patience when it came to figuring out what we were doing about the Lettered Editions. That wasn't fun for anyone, but I think we made the right choice in the end!

Also, 250k is a ways off, but it's not out of the realm of possibility! The last 72hrs of a campaign usually see a 5 to 20% bump in funding as Kickstarter send out their final reminders! It will be tough, but it's not impossible to get those bookmarks! 

Limited 'Legends & Lattes' prints available from rosiethorns88!

Also, for anyone interested, the artist rosiethorns88 is offering officially licensed art prints of an iconic moment in the book on her Etsy store, with 20% of proceeds going to benefit the Trevor project! Check it out and pick up a print if they interest you! (This is not an ad. Wraithmarked does not benefit from the sale of these items.)

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Our final decision regarding the Lettered Editions.
about 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 05:53:09 AM

Our decision.

Hey all! This update will come as a relief for some and disappointment to others, but we've made the final decision that we are going to be scrapping the Lettered Editions for this project.

It was not an easy decision to make, but we have been watching incoming and outgoing backers, listening to feedback, and discussing amongst ourselves for the past week, and two acute things ultimately led to this decision:

First: Many "base" Deluxe Edition backers were disappointed they were no longer getting the "best" version of the book. While many publishers in our space do offer two versions of such a product, the fact that we would be doing two versions wasn't clear and communicated from the start (because we didn't know ourselves), and should have been.

Second: Many Lettered Edition backers continued to express dissatisfaction with the edition even after we announced what "bell and whistles" we would be adding to it to make it stand out. We were/are limited in what we could add because of choice to print in the US/UK, production costs, timeline, and us doing the improvements being a snap decision, so if we ever bring back Lettered Editions for deluxe projects it will be with clear communication from the go, and a product that we feel no reasonable buyer should be disappointed in receiving for the price we charge.

So what happens next?

No action needs to be taken by anyone. We will continue on the campaign as normal, and after payments have been processed (in the first half of September) refunds will be going out to Lettered Edition backers as promised in our previous Update about our plans for this issue.

If you are a Lettered Edition backer, we do not recommend canceling your pledge.

Obviously, you are free to do so if you are more comfortable with that, but current Lettered Edition backers will not only be receiving a full refund for the Lettered Edition tier ($400 USD) they will be receiving a copy of the base 'Legends & Lattes' Deluxe Edition for free as an apology for the trouble and back and forth.

This means that NO ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN BY ANY BACKER at this time. We will handle it all on our end.

If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to voice them in the comments below! For the time being, though, we believe this to be the correct decision to make, and we hope this will alleviate the disappointment many of our Backers were feeling in regard to the discrepancies in the editions!

Cheers, all!

-The Wraithmarked Team

$150k Stretch Goal unlocked!! And another project you might be interested in!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 05:32:51 AM

$150k raised! That means... MOHR ART! WEEEEEEE!

Our interior illustration count ticks up from 10 unique pieces to 11 with this Stretch Goal, with the hope that we get to that 12th unlocked piece at $200k! Justin's work is so fun, so we're looking forward to revealing more of his work to you as time passes!

Speaking of, to celebrate, here's another interior piece you guys probably haven't seen yet! Viv's new adventure begins!

 Obojima: Tales From The Tall Grass, closes on $900k in funding!

Obojima: Tales From The Tall Grass is a 250+ page campaign setting inspired by the wondrous worlds featured in Studio Ghibli films and the beloved Legend of Zelda game series. Guide your players through breathtaking locations, encounter strange spirits, discover rare oddities, and battle wild and wondrous creatures. Create your own unforgettable narrative in this familiar world with an all-new collection of curious items, magical spells, and numerous player options.

By now you all know how seriously Wraithmarked Creative takes its art, and my GOD does this project have a style and aesthetic we can't get enough of! D&D fans will probably have their jaws dropping just checking this project out, so it's well worth a peek!

Click Here to Check Out This Amazing Project!

$100k Stretch Goal unlocked! And we're gonna make the Lettered Editions much (MUCH) better!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 06:34:46 AM

Second Stretch Goal hit! And it's a REALLY fun one!

Not only are we getting a second unique full-color end sheet for the back of the book, but that also means a unique back cover for the hardback case! We've already had the sketchwork done in anticipation, so check it out!

Sketch for back end sheet! Full-color to be revealed in the future!

Lettered Editions are getting MUCH better!

An update at least 26 of you are looking for! We've heard your feedback and we are running full-tilt with it! We used a couple of competitors when we made the decision to make no significant changes to our Lettered Editions, but clearly we should have done more research and asked about expectations!

SO... Here is the plan (Plan A)! Lettered Editions are going to be getting:

  •  A fully unique binding! Likely leatherette with gold or silver stamping in a unique design exclusive to the Lettered Editions. Similar to what we did for A Mark of Kings years ago.
  •  A unique signature page with special spots for dedication, Travis' signature, and the lettering! We are also going to ask Justin if he'd be willing to sign the Lettered Editions, but we can't promise that just yet until we hear from him!
  •  Different page edging! We don't know if this will be a different metal or some kind of edge printing, but it will stand out compared to the base deluxe edition!
  •  A serialized 'Legends & Lattes' cafe sign pin, numbered 1 to 26 only!

We know many of you are hoping for slipcases and the like, but because we print exclusively in the US and UK right now, that isn't something we are looking into at the moment. Those items are incredibly expensive printed where we do our printing, and they immediately make it so that we are losing money on the Lettered Editions, so the above is our current plan!

If for some reason the above changes can't be made, not to worry! Plan B will see that our  Lettered Edition purchasers get a FULL refund of their books, as well as a free base Deluxe Edition of the book as an apology from us.

Also, moving forward, Wraithmarked won't be offering Lettered Edition of deluxe products unless they are at a quality we feel most people will be more than satisfied with! We are still green to the space and learning, but this was a great lesson we will take to heart moving forward!

Thank you all for your patience, and especially those of you who reached out with constructive feedback regarding the Lettered Editions! Talk soon!

- Bryce O'Connor

$50k+ in a little more than an hour!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 07:28:30 AM

Wow, everyone! 

Y'all helped us clear our funding goal of $25k in less than 8 minutes, which was incredible all on its own, but then you took that and doubled it in just about an hour! We're rushing just to keep up, but keep at it!

With the $50k stretch goal cleared, all the signed tip-ins will now be printed in color instead of black and white! Next up, at $100k we'll get another custom-illustrated end sheet from Justin Gerard for the back of the book!

Let's see how many stretch goals we can cross off the list today!